Is Drinking Coffee Good or Bad For You?

If you love brewing a hot cup of specialty coffee in your coffee machines daily, then you are an unapologetic coffee lover. But have you ever thought if this drink is good for you or does it come with severe repercussions? The following content will thoroughly shed light on this matter.

Pros of Drinking Coffee

 The drink is rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients

Coffee beans contain a decent amount of nutrients. Next time you brew your drink in the espresso machine, know that it contains some amount of Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, and a few amounts of phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. Speciality coffee comes with higher nutrients and antioxidants compared to its counterparts. The antioxidant content in this drink actually offers some health value to avid coffee drinkers, especially in western countries, where they get more antioxidants from coffee than from fruits or vegetables.

The caffeine content helps in enhancing metabolism

The strongest brew of specialty coffee contains a significant amount of caffeine. Caffeine is deemed a highly consumed psychoactive substance across the globe. The caffeine content in your favorite brew can range from 30-300 mg. Caffeine, a known stimulant, aids the body to inhibit adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. This will increase brain activity and reduce fatigue.

 There is a significantly lower risk of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes causes higher blood sugar levels. As recent studies report, more than 300 million people suffer from this disease. If you are someone keen on brewing a few cups of specialty coffee in your coffee brewer machine daily, then there is good news for you. As studies suggest, avid coffee drinkers have a 23-67% reduced risk of developing this disease.

 Coffee drinking is associated with a reduced risk for liver diseases

Cirrhosis denotes the final stage of liver damage, where different parts of the organ slowly turn into scar tissue. People who regularly consume coffee are reported to have an 84% lower risk of developing this condition. Also, there are several studies that point to how this drink lowers the chance of developing lung cancer.

Aside from all these benefits, there are some downsides to consuming too much caffeine. Having too much caffeine leads to anxiety, jitteriness, heart palpitations, and in worst scenarios, panic attacks. It can also degrade your sleep quality and cause severe cases of withdrawal.

Since having too much of anything is not ideal, try limiting your consumption to keep enjoying your favorite drink.

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